Integrate ChatGPT OpenAI API in .NET Core Console Application from scratch.
In this Article I am going to demonstrate the integration of ChatGPT OpenAI API in .NET Core Console Application from scratch step by step. Using ChatGPT API we can integrate the AI in our application just we need to call the API with the help of generating the secret key in ChatGPT developer page following is the steps to generate the secret key with screenshots. You need to login with the ChatGPT credentials before generating the Secret Key. On right corner of the page, click on personal icon and then click on View Api Key link On API Keys page click on +Create new secret key button Then type your desired API key name and then click on Create secret key button Your API key will be generated then click on copy button to copy the key and save it safely. Congratulation!!! your API key is created for use in console application. Now we have the secret key with us then we can now move to ChatGPT page and...