
Showing posts with the label Android

Root your Gingerbread 2.3.4 android Mobile Phone

Root your Gingerbread 2.3.4 android Mobile Phone with following steps. before you start you have to download some files from here and follow the steps below  Put the phone in Debug Mode: Go to Settings > Applications > Development and check USB debugging box. Extract the files from the zip below, connect the phone via USB, and copy them to the phone via ADB like this: Code: adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk adb push su /sdcard/su adb push busybox /sdcard/busybox adb push exploit.bin /data/local/tmp/exploit.bin   Now we enter the phone's internal shell, also using ADB: Code: adb shell Then we take advantage of the "fake" root exploit: Code: cd /data/local/tmp chmod 0755 exploit.bin ./exploit.bin Now after that last command you should be back to your normal console, not the phone one, so we need to connect to it again, and doing so we should now see that we have root permissions since the "#" symbol is displayed...

Proxy settings in android phone

Hi all, here i am going to demostrate about the proxy settings in android phone. As there is no UI for proxy settings for android web browser. But the android web browser will read the proxy settings in its settings database. Here is the instructions to enable the proxy in the android web browser. to do this setting you must download SDK package from android you need to check USB Debugging option in phones setting and follow the step given below > adb shell # sqlite3 /data/data/ sqlite> INSERT INTO system VALUES(99,’http_proxy’, ‘proxy:port’); sqlite>.exit You can talk to settings.db for more information. sqlite> SELECT * FROM system; sqlite> .tables sqlite> .databases sqlite> .schema table_name sqlite> more SQL expression to talk to the tables Don’t forget the ‘;’ at the end of the SQL expression.