
Error The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA) while WMI script execution [resolved]

WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation) is powerful and flexible tool when used correctly, it can deliver the best and most important information about your computers, servers and notebooks. But when connecting to the remote machine fails then following error can be occurred. The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA) To resolve error you need to cross verify the below checklist to resolve the above error. Verity that "Windows Management Instrumentation" is running in the remote machine and set it to auto start after restart. Verify that you are entered correct host name or IP Address you need to check that "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" is running in the remote machine and set it to auto start after restart. you need to check that "TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper" is running in the remote machine and set it to auto start after restart. Need to enable Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) rule in windows firewall in order to

All about the IEnumerable VS IQueryable in c#

In Linq or entity framework, we use IEnumerable and IQueryable for data manipulation or query data. IEnumerable is inherited by IQueryable , Hence IQueryable has all the features of IEnumerable and except this, it has its own features and benefits. Both have its own importance to query data and data manipulation in different situations in the application. we can go through with both the features and take the advantage of both the features to boost the LINQ Query performance. As per the need of application at some stage  IEnumerable is useful and some stage in the application  IQueryable is useful. Lets discuss about its use and features now. IEnumerable Features: IEnumerable exists in System.Collections Namespace. IEnumerable can move forward only over a collection, it can’t move backward and between the items. IEnumerable is best to query data from in-memory collections like List, Array etc. While query data from database, IEnumerable execute select query on server side,

Source Code Beautifier And Format Source Code For Blogger and Websites

Source Code Beautifier For Blogger and Websites, Format Source Code , Format Source code for blog or blogging & website, Online line source code formatter tool, blogger code format tool, Format source code for blog-spot,Insert formatted source code How to format source code for blogger & website :   You can format your source code for blogger & website in easy three steps.. 1) Paste your source code into "Paste Here Your Source Code" Text-area. 2) Choose appropriate options from "formatting options" and click Format Source Code button.. 3) See preview of formatted source code if it's fine then copy from "Copy Formatted Source Code" text-area otherwise repeat step 2  This source code formatter allow you to format code like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C#, PHP,, VB.Net, Visual Basic,, ASP & many other languages.  It does not add unnecessary tags into formatted code, It use only two tag HTML tags &

Dependency injection in ASP.NET Core MVC controller explained step by step

ASP.NET Core MVC controllers should request their dependencies explicitly via their constructors. In some instances, individual controller actions may require a service, and it may not make sense to request at the controller level. In this case, you can also choose to inject a service as a parameter on the action method. With ASP.NET 5 MVC6, we get a feature called dependency injection baked right into the framework for us. Dependency injection is a technique that follows the Dependency Inversion Principle, allowing for applications to be composed of loosely coupled modules. ASP.NET Core has built-in support for dependency injection, which makes applications easier to test and maintain. ASP.NET Core's built-in support for constructor-based dependency injection extends to MVC controllers. By simply adding a service type to your controller as a constructor parameter, ASP.NET Core will attempt to resolve that type using its built in service container. Services are typically, b

Introduction of MVC Basics for beginners

MVC is an architectural pattern which separates the representation and user interaction. It's divided into three broader sections, Model View Controller.  Below is how each one of them handles the task. View : The View is responsible for the look and feel. Model: Model represents the real world object and provides data to the View. Controller: The Controller is responsible for taking the end user request and loading the appropriate Model and View. Advantages of ASP.NET MVC Extensive support for TDD. With MVC, views can also be very easily unit tested. Complex applications can be easily managed Separation of concerns. Different aspects of the application can be divided into Model, View and Controller. ASP.NET MVC views are light weight, as they do not use view-state. It provides extensive support for URL Routing that helps to make friendly URLs (means friendly for human as well as Search Engines). Support for existing ASP.NET features like membership